Judi Neal, Ph.D.

Judi Neal is an author on workplace spirituality, and an internationally recognized scholar, speaker, and consultant. After receiving her Ph.D. in organizational behavior from Yale University, she served as an internal consultant to Honeywell for eight years. Judi then taught management at the University of New Haven for 17 years. Her research has been on business leaders who have a strong commitment to their spirituality, and she began studying how they bridged the invisible world of spirituality and the material world of business. More recently her research is on global consciousness.

Judi was the founding director of the Tyson Center for Faith and Spirituality in the Workplace at the University of Arkansas. Judi was one of three co-founders of the Management, Spirituality and Religion (MSR) Interest group at the Academy of Management and serves on the MSR Executive Committee. She also serves on the boards of the AITIA Institute and the Center for Consciousness Studies & Inner Transformation at INDICA Academy. As one of the founding editors of the Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion (JMSR), she is on the journal’s editorial board and is also on the board of the journal’s parent organization – the International Association of Management, Spirituality, and Religion (IAMSR).

She is the President of Edgewalkers International, a coaching and consulting firm, and the Executive Director of the Global Consciousness Institute, with affiliation with George Washington University and Case Western Reserve University. She is the author of ten books on workplace spirituality and transformation, including Creating Enlightened Organizations, Edgewalkers, The Handbook of Personal and Organizational Transformation, and Workplace Spirituality: Making a Difference. She has published widely in academic journals and the popular press. She has spoken at conferences throughout the U.S., as well as Canada, Mexico, the U.K., Europe, and Thailand.

In her spare time she writes songs and plays guitar and electric bass in an all-woman band called “She’s Us.”

One of Judi’s deepest spiritual practices is songwriting and singing, and she has produced a CD titled The Journey. She is currently recording her second CD, with a focus on spiritual songs she has written, titled Blessings.

Learn more about Judi at Edgewalkers International, Global Consciousness Institute, and Linkedin.

  • Spirituality Spirituality in the Workplace – an Emerging Phenomenon

    Spirituality in the Workplace – an Emerging Phenomenon

    Spirituality in the workplace is poised to be the next major factor in how theorists and practitioners look at the field of management. Five trends and research are presented on the state of this emerging field of study and practice.

    By Judi Neal, Ph.D.
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