Dr. Mehrad Nazari

Dr. Mehrad Nazari, is the author of a multi-award-winning book, Enlightened Negotiation: 8 Universal Laws to Connect, Create, and Prosper. Recently he was selected as one of the 25 Thought Leaders around the Globe by International Leadership Association to contribute a chapter to: Evolving Leadership for Collective Wellbeing: Lessons for Implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Mehrad earned his Ph.D. in Leadership and Human Behavior in 1992. He received an MBA in 1981. Over the course of three decades, with one foot on the trail of business and the other on the trail of academia and research, and his sights set on the realization of human potential, Mehrad distinguished himself as a business leader in San Diego with several accolades to his credit. As an adjunct professor of International Business Negotiation, he taught for ten years at the United States International University in San Diego.

Dr. Nazari completed his dissertation on Integrative Negotiation where in his training and coaching leadership he teaches the application of the negotiation principals as the connective tissue of leadership anatomy.

Mehrad has studied with some of the spiritual masters of our time: Walt Baptiste, Swami Veda Bharati of India, and Kyozan Joshu Roshi of Japan. Dr. Nazari is the co-founder of Raja Yoga Institute teaching Mindfulness, Meditation, Yoga and Applied Spirituality. Mehrad has been on the faculty of Esalen Institute since 2003 to present time.

He has delivered presentations on Enlightened Negotiation and Applied Spirituality for Sony, Brookfield Asset Management, eBay, YPO Gold, Esalen Institute, UC Berkley, UC San Diego, University of San Diego, Alliant International University, National Conflict Resolution Center, San Diego County Bar Association, Port of San Diego and Rancho La Puerta.

  • Love Negotiation: What Does Love Have to Do with It?

    Negotiation: What Does Love Have to Do with It?

    Negotiation and Love seems to be mutually exclusive, but are they really? Can you bring a spiritual dimension to negotiation that transforms dog-eat-dog confrontations into co-creative collaborations? See how Love has the power to motivate people, build bridges of understanding, and melt unyielding positions.

    By Dr. Mehrad Nazari
    read more Case Story
  • Consciousness Enlightened Negotiation: The Way of Implementing UN SDGS

    Enlightened Negotiation: The Way of Implementing UN SDGS

    NEGOTIATION... A test of combative power and self-interest? Not necessarily. There’s another path we can choose: enlightened negotiation that is founded on 8 core principles for connecting and co-creating, with a unity of wills to serve the higher good.

    By Dr. Mehrad Nazari
    read more Practices/ Tools