Stephen Dynako

Stephen Dynako partnered with the legendary futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard in 2019 to conduct the final program of her earthly life, the Evolutionary Ambassador Academy. The program was “an immersion experience to actualize one’s creative potential in the world and accelerate personal evolutionary power.” Since Barbara’s transition, Stephen has focused his efforts on taking conscious evolution to the mainstream.

Stephen has worked in both corporate and entrepreneurial environments for over 30 years. This includes leadership positions in the corporate communications, technology, and banking industries. He passionately and courageously brings to business his gifts of communication, leadership and presence. In service, Stephen has applied his gifts in the realms of counseling and the ministry. Informed by his varied experiences, Stephen believes that now is the time for humanity to get radical about making Love our priority. His website is

Formerly, Stephen was program director of the Conscious Business Innerprise training and certification program by Humanity’s Team. He was also one of the producers of the Conscious Business World Summit in March 2019.

  • Consciousness Planetary Health and Well Being

    Planetary Health and Well Being

    Our evolution as a successful and thriving species depends on our conscious willingness to care for the planet with the same intelligence and vigor as we would to ensure the health of our bodies.

    By Stephen Dynako
    read more Article
  • Leadership Virtues and Practices of Self Leadership

    Virtues and Practices of Self Leadership

    Self-leadership requires a courageous willingness to recognize and transcend one’s personal blind spots and old-paradigm thinking. Making a conscious commitment to get out of the ego’s way allows true, authentic, and inspirational leadership to rise forth.

    By Stephen Dynako
    read more Personal Journey