Shawne Mitchell

Shawne holds a Master’s degree in Consciousness Studies and is a recognized expert in bridging conscious living with a spiritual lifestyle. She is a thought-leader, speaker, social alchemist, executive consultant to entrepreneurial women, and the author of several books, with a new one - to be published soon: Transcendental Leadership: Ageless Principles and Practices for Leading in a Time of Awakening.

She has been a practitioner of Transcendental Meditation for over forty-five years; is a former Community Group leader for the Institute of Noetic Sciences; a member of Santa Barbara Evolutionary Leaders and Conscious Business Circle; and a member of the global Conscious Leadership Guild.

Her deep wisdom, combined with her travels and experiences, has evolved into an international consulting and coaching practice. Shawne has taught and facilitated retreats and conferences throughout the world.

Shawne's undergraduate degree is in Communications from the University of Washington.

  • Spirituality Leadership and the Nature of Transcendence

    Leadership and the Nature of Transcendence

    What can we learn about transcendental leadership from international extreme orienteering team race-competitions? As a participant journalist in Madagascar with the Raid Gauloises … plenty… both socially relevant and personally insightful!

    By Shawne Mitchell
    read more Personal Journey