Sue Elliott

I am here to help humanity transition from the old reality based on fear, scarcity, greed and manipulation (business as war) ... into the New Reality based love, abundance, compassion and collaboration.
Angel Coaching is my own unique blend of life-and-business coaching, energy healing and delivering guidance from the Angels.
During what feels like open-hearted conversation, the Angels and I uncover clients' subconscious programming, trauma triggers, hidden limits and patterns that no longer serve them. Then we gently dissolve those blocks to authenticity, potency, joy and success.
This is deep work that enables permanent transformation, yet it feels remarkably easy.
In addition to the 1-on-1 work, Delores Garcia and I have launched a group program called Forbidden Grief. This judgment-free program is for moms whose child died in a way that triggers shame — such as while committing a crime, or by suicide, or in any other challenging way. We support these moms in moving through grief and shame… in this sacred space filled with hope and love.
Using Our Brain as an Antenna
The brain is a powerful, built-in antenna that enables us to tune into broader awareness at any time. We can receive exactly what we need to know when we need to know it. This is "effortless knowing in the moment."
The Power of Curiosity at Work
Curiosity is an incredibly powerful force. Explore how it can create an expansive space that promotes open and honest dialogue while opening up new vistas of awareness and understanding.