Zeeger Scholten

When I was 16, I struggled with the idea of death. From this driving force, I dove into Nichiren Buddhism, which sees everyone as having an eternal spiritual nature that enables anyone to attain the full equanimity and enlightenment of spiritual awakening in one’s current life. I kept practising this form of spiritual growth during my Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in the Netherlands.

During my masters in London, I wanted to introduce more of my fellow millennials to personal development and spirituality, and started my own company where we organised workshops for young professionals.

After this I worked at a fast growing start-up, which I quickly left to start my second company, Uprise Academy. Here we organised 3 month-long transformative trips, where students would learn practical skills like data science, UX design, and entrepreneurship while diving deep into their own purpose through meditation retreats, workshops, and an openhearted community.

After three years of running this company and two investment rounds, I left my own company in 2019. After that, I worked at an investment firm where we implemented governance & culture change processes. This was my entrance into working more with various teams and organizations. I am currently working in team development and organizational development for various companies.

You can find Zeeker at www.zeegerscholten.com

  • Leadership Holding Space – The Seemingly Vague Yet Crucial Leadership Quality You Never Heard Of

    Holding Space – The Seemingly Vague Yet Crucial Leadership Quality You Never Heard Of

    In the hectic world of today, holding space is quickly becoming one of the most essential leadership qualities. You see more possibilities, know what is yours to carry, and decrease your resistance to life.

    By Zeeger Scholten
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