Erin MacLean

Erin MacLean is a student of life and the universe and a consummate learner. Erin perceives a divine purpose in serving others and providing assistance to others where she is called to serve.

Professionally, she works with clients assisting them in their business and personal journeys, helping them pinpoint their goals and where they are in relationship to their goals, amongst other things. Erin and her team also assist clients in determining and effectuating client strategies. In this way, Erin and her team are able to journey alongside their clients as much or as little as they are needed.

Erin is also a person in the experience of long COVID symptoms from three different versions of COVID (Original (2020), Delta (2021) and Omicron (2022/23 versions). Erin perceives that this experience can be "misunderstood by," "invisible to" and "disregarded by" members of society and the medical community. Erin developed the Deep Allowing Mindfulness practice as she explored how she could be with this experience in peace and in love. Seeing the need, Erin has co-founded a nation-wide support group setting for others experiencing symptoms of long COVID.

Amongst other things, Erin is a certified mindfulness meditation and contemplative prayer teacher and practitioner, a trained diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging and accessibility (DEIBA) facilitator, a licensed attorney, a business compliance and health care compliance professional, a business owner and business and operations consultant, a non-profit board member and an executive for multiple profit and non-profit organizations. Erin is also a parent and a spouse to her husband.

  • Consciousness A Contemplation on Cultivating “The Overview Effect”

    A Contemplation on Cultivating “The Overview Effect”

    Many astronauts over the past 50+ years have experienced “The Overview Effect”: states of awe and self-transcendence while in space. They feel a transformed connection to their fellow man and the Earth as a whole. How can we share in that experience in our daily lives and our organizational leadership?"

    By Erin MacLean
    read more Practices/ Tools
  • Consciousness Deep Allowing – A Contemplative Discourse

    Deep Allowing – A Contemplative Discourse

    “Deep Allowing” means being with what is here-and-now – emotionally, physically, and psychologically – without judgment or comparison to a past or future experience. Explore how, as leaders, a practice of deep allowing can accelerate healing moments within ourselves and transform our relationships with others.

    By Erin MacLean
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  • Love, Consciousness The Dance of Fragments (or “Football,” as inspired by musings of Rick Chafee)

    The Dance of Fragments (or “Football,” as inspired by musings of Rick Chafee)

    This poem describes being deeply in the human experience and also knowing the consciousness that connects all things in the universe.

    By Erin MacLean
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