Practices/ Tools
Loving Leadership
Conscious leaders have begun to consider the global impacts on the biosphere as a key part of their decision making... showing how we can participate in the evolution toward a brighter, better future.
Six Keys to Transcendent Leadership
Transcendent leaders triumph over the limits of what is considered acceptable or possible. That triumph stems from an inner transcendence: quieting our lower nature (self) and living/working in the wisdom of our higher nature (Self, Soul, or Essence).
Applying Wisdom of the Heart to Humanize Organizational Cultures
As leaders strive to influence their organization’s culture, many focus on how to manage and control employees. Wisdom traditions offer an alternative: a leader’s own heart as the center of inner wisdom from which to cultivate rather than obstruct human potential.
Transcendent Leadership: Co-Creating a Caring Culture
Transcendent leaders harness the complex and often unconscious matrix of beliefs, values, and attitudes to co-create a caring culture – the very heartbeat of the company. Co-creating a caring culture is best done by everyone within that culture to include awareness, attunement, alignment, and action.
The Leader as Poet and Prophet
The current global shift in consciousness can involve both pain and loss – even a sense of exile. Effective leaders at such a time are both prophets and poets for forging transformation and renewal.
Spirituality in the Workplace – an Emerging Phenomenon
Spirituality in the workplace is poised to be the next major factor in how theorists and practitioners look at the field of management. Five trends and research are presented on the state of this emerging field of study and practice.
Enlightened Negotiation: The Way of Implementing UN SDGS
NEGOTIATION... A test of combative power and self-interest? Not necessarily. There’s another path we can choose: enlightened negotiation that is founded on 8 core principles for connecting and co-creating, with a unity of wills to serve the higher good.
A Contemplation on Cultivating “The Overview Effect”
Many astronauts over the past 50+ years have experienced “The Overview Effect”: states of awe and self-transcendence while in space. They feel a transformed connection to their fellow man and the Earth as a whole. How can we share in that experience in our daily lives and our organizational leadership?"
Social Identities – What are yours?
How we embrace our favorite Social Identities can turn us, and the people we lead, either towards friction and conflict or to appreciation and inclusiveness. Discover for yourself how the personal and professional impact of becoming more aware of our Social Identities can be profound.
One Million More Babies to Loving Homes
A personal vision for your life and work may not affect millions of people, but millions of like-minded visions can have a huge impact. You don’t need an epiphany to formulate a large or small vision; you can choose from an array of inspiring methods.