• Leadership Virtues and Practices of Self Leadership

    Virtues and Practices of Self Leadership

    Self-leadership requires a courageous willingness to recognize and transcend one’s personal blind spots and old-paradigm thinking. Making a conscious commitment to get out of the ego’s way allows true, authentic, and inspirational leadership to rise forth.

    By Stephen Dynako
    read more Personal Journey
  • Spirituality Spirituality in the Workplace – an Emerging Phenomenon

    Spirituality in the Workplace – an Emerging Phenomenon

    Spirituality in the workplace is poised to be the next major factor in how theorists and practitioners look at the field of management. Five trends and research are presented on the state of this emerging field of study and practice.

    By Judi Neal, Ph.D.
    read more Practices/ Tools
  • Consciousness The Benefit Corporation: The Unlikely Hero of a Sustainable Economy?

    The Benefit Corporation: The Unlikely Hero of a Sustainable Economy?

    The historical, legal form of corporations lacks a social and environmental conscience by design. Happily, the corporation is evolving. Leading the way is a new form, the “benefit corporation,” that represents a massive shift in our collective consciousness about business.

    By John Montgomery
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  • Leadership, Consciousness The Leader as Poet and Prophet

    The Leader as Poet and Prophet

    The current global shift in consciousness can involve both pain and loss – even a sense of exile. Effective leaders at such a time are both prophets and poets for forging transformation and renewal.

    By Deborah Rundlett
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  • Love Negotiation: What Does Love Have to Do with It?

    Negotiation: What Does Love Have to Do with It?

    Negotiation and Love seems to be mutually exclusive, but are they really? Can you bring a spiritual dimension to negotiation that transforms dog-eat-dog confrontations into co-creative collaborations? See how Love has the power to motivate people, build bridges of understanding, and melt unyielding positions.

    By Dr. Mehrad Nazari
    read more Case Story
  • Consciousness One Million More Babies to Loving Homes

    One Million More Babies to Loving Homes

    A personal vision for your life and work may not affect millions of people, but millions of like-minded visions can have a huge impact. You don’t need an epiphany to formulate a large or small vision; you can choose from an array of inspiring methods.

    By Linda Alipen and Barbara Key
    read more Practices/ Tools
The Pressing Need for Conscious Leadership in a World of Multiple Crises and Great Uncertainty

Additional Goodies to Read

  • Leadership Why Your Employees Don’t Care Whether Your Company Succeeds

    Why Your Employees Don’t Care Whether Your Company Succeeds

    The phenomenon of disengaged employees continues to sap productivity, profitability, and the human spirit. Yet we can recognize and reverse it through collaborative efforts motivated by a higher purpose.

    By Tim Kelley
    read more Article
  • Leadership Shaping Culture for Creativity (Part 2)

    Shaping Culture for Creativity (Part 2)

    How can you influence the culture of your organization naturally and organically, even if you don’t explicitly work on it directly and proactively? This article points the way, with specific practices to guide you.

    By Steven Kowalski, Ph.D.
    read more Article
  • Love, Spirituality Spirituality and Love in Corporate Leadership

    Spirituality and Love in Corporate Leadership

    An inspiring, down-to-earth interview with Janiece Webb, former Sr. VP at Motorola, who speaks candidly about bringing her spirituality and love to every facet of her leadership, from running billion-dollar businesses to staring down challenges to her ethical values.

    By William C. Miller and Debra R. Miller
    read more Case Story
  • Love Loving Leadership

    Loving Leadership

    Conscious leaders have begun to consider the global impacts on the biosphere as a key part of their decision making... showing how we can participate in the evolution toward a brighter, better future.

    By Gregory Stebbins, Ed.D.
    read more Practices/ Tools
  • Consciousness Crossing a Divide: Signals of Change in Business

    Crossing a Divide: Signals of Change in Business

    Conscious leaders have begun to consider the global impacts on the biosphere as a key part of their decision making... showing how we can participate in the evolution toward a brighter, better future.

    By Karen Wilhelm Buckley
    read more Case Story
  • Spirituality Leadership and the Nature of Transcendence

    Leadership and the Nature of Transcendence

    What can we learn about transcendental leadership from international extreme orienteering team race-competitions? As a participant journalist in Madagascar with the Raid Gauloises … plenty… both socially relevant and personally insightful!

    By Shawne Mitchell
    read more Personal Journey